
  1. That joint injury, including such conditions referred to as osteoarthrosis, instability and the after effects of sprains and strains, are dysfunctions rather than diseases.
  2. That dysfunctions are manifest as either increases or decreases of motion from the expected normal or by the presence of aberrant movements. Thus, dysfunctions are represented by abnormal movement.
  3. That where the dysfunction is detected as limited motion (hypomobility), the treatment of choice is manipulation to joint structures, stretching to muscles and fascia and the promotion of activities that encourage a full range of movement.
  4. That when the dysfunction is manifest as increased movement (hypermobility), laxity or instability, the treatment of the joint in question is not manipulation, but stabilization by instruction of correct posture, stabilization exercises and the correction of any limitations of movement in neighboring joints that may be contributing to the hypermobility.
  5. That the physical therapist’s primary role is in the evaluation and treatment of dysfunction.
  6. That since dysfunction is the cause of pain, the primary goal of physical therapy should be to correct the dysfunction rather than the pain. When, however the nature of the pain interferes with correcting the dysfunction, the pain will need to be addressed as part of the treatment program.
  7. That the key to understanding dysfunction, and thus being able to evaluate and treat it, is understanding anatomy and biomechanics. It therefore behooves us in physical therapy to so develop our knowledge and skills in these areas that we may safely assume leadership in the non-operative management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.
  8. That it is the patient’s responsibility to restore, maintain and enhance their health. In this context the role of the physical therapist is to serve as educator, to be an example to the patient, and to reinforce a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Reference: Foundation Of Clinical Orthopaedics by University of St. Augustine for Health Science